For those who don't know, Jacob is my six-year-old. He has just been officially diagnosed with ADHD. The rest of the world already knew it. I have been fighting the decision to have him diagnosed because I thought I could fix it if I was just a better mom. Well, through the help of a good doctor and at the request of his current teacher, I was convinced to start him on meds to see if we can help him get through the day better. I'm going to keep this journal so I can track the changes (if any) we see and maybe I can help someone else with my experience. Here is our journey...
Day 1: Today Jacob started on Focalin. I didn't really notice a difference in his behavior during the day. Of course, the kids just got back home yesterday after spending a week at their dad's, so everyone is acting up and way off schedule anyways. Tonight he was overly cranky. Not especially unusual behavior for Jacob, but he did seem more tired. After I got him calmed down again we had a little bit of one-on-one time. He was acting very sweet and coherent. Still not out of character for him. I did have a hard time getting him to sleep but that is normal most nights too. Well, maybe we'll see a difference in behavior once he has had the medicine in his system for a few days.
Day 2: What a difference. This morning started off rough. But of course it's Monday and a back-to-school day after a holiday. We're running late because Jacob didn't like how his sock felt. This took 15 minutes. Then he didn't like the coat I picked out. Finally we get to school. I hope it's a good day.
Wow! I walk into latchkey after school. It's quiet. I'm not entirely sure my children are still here. Jacob walks up to me. Calmly. Smiling. He's had a great day. He got a green stick today. That's like the third one since school started. He even got a sucker. His teacher said that it was like having a different child. He said it was because the doctor gave him pills. I don't know where he heard that because I call it medicine. Oh well. I'll take it. He was even really good while we bought him new tennis shoes (his toe was sticking out of his old ones). Grocery shopping went smoothly. He started getting a little tired and wanted to lay his head down. He was tired when we got home and was not very hungry. The meds are starting to wear off now so homework is not as easy but is better than normal. Hopefully sleep will come quickly. All in all a much better day.
Day 3: Extra rough morning. Jacob didn't fall asleep until after midnight. He was especially tired and cranky. He didn't want to get dressed. He didn't like the shirt we picked out. We spent 20 minutes on just socks and shoes. The new shoes were too tight because they were new. He took them off about 5 times. Breakfast didn't go much better. And then he didn't want to wear his coat. His sisters were tore up by the time we got out of the house. They tried to help, but nothing was working today. I ended up getting to work 20 minutes late. Ugh!
After school wasn't much better. I decided to leave early to give us enough time to eat dinner before Cub Scouts. Jacob didn't want the pasta. He didn't like the garlic bread. Everything dragged again. Cub Scouts was OK. He acted about the same as the rest of the boys. We had a few minutes of defiance. Homework was slow. Luckily he only had to study his words. He had no interest in reading tonight, so Brianna read him a story. He did, however, go to sleep fairly quickly. Hoping for a better day tomorrow.
Day 4: Slow morning again but a little better. Jacob decided he wanted to wear his Nerf glasses to school and needed a cool hat. No cool hats to be found. I finally discovered a flame-covered bandana and tied it around his head. Finally! We can leave. Actually made it to work on time. Barely. Jacob got a green in school again. The meds seem to be wearing off a little earlier each day. We ran home after school to pick up their things for Awana's. Then the meltdown started. Apparently Jacob didn't eat lunch so he was starving. I had to drop the girls off at church, run through Arby's and get Jake a sandwich, then get back to church. He was fine during his class. Of course I found him lying in the middle of the table scooting around when I went to pick him up. Then another meltdown.
So, we finally start on homework. The teacher wants him to write 1 to 100 on a piece of graph paper. 100? OMG. This is going to take all night. He made it through 39 with minimal problems. Then the trouble started. He didn't like the way I listed the numbers down the side. He wanted me to write them. He didn't know what came next. He didn't like the way he made a 5. Ugh! 100 times "Jacob, write the next number. Jacob, do your homework." 100. I really hate that number. After finishing that he had to have 2 more snacks (his appetite has been up) before finally going to bed. A little late but he did go to sleep right away.
Day 5: Alright, mornings are just too slow. He doesn't like to wake up and is extremely uncooperative for me. We are going to have to make some adjustments. Hoping for a good day. Or maybe not. The meds have already worn off when I pick Jacob up from school. He's wound and having a fit. He is getting more aggressive and defiant. The fit throwing is getting old...
Day 6: 30 minutes to put on socks. 30 minutes! I am sooo tired of the OCD tendencies. I know I should try to be more patient, but they're just socks! (Yes, going to get seamless ones tomorrow). I'm trying a double dose today.
Well, Jake did well at school, but when I go to pick him up from my dad's, he's on the floor in another tantrum because he's not getting his way. This is nothing new btw, but is getting more severe now. He has a huge fit when I put him in his car seat and starts pulling at his hair. Kiara has a migraine, so needless to say the drive is a ton of fun.
Jacob seems anxious tonight. He said he feels sad. I don't think this medication is working for either of us. Better concentration in school, but everything else is much worse.
Day "I have no idea because I've been snowed in for 3 days in South Carolina and didn't have my kids all week":
Jacob seems to be doing much better. Four greens already this week in school. Says it's much easier for him. His teacher called me and told me he is doing really well. My parents didn't have too much trouble with him. He tried to "fall out" a few times for me, but for the most part listened when I told him something. The first time. We'll see in the morning...
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